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Optimize your SaaS costs

Are your SaaS costs rising from year to year? With the help of our automatic optimization suggestions, you can identify potential savings and realize them quickly.

Be part of the IT teams
that optimize their SaaS costs:

MUUUH! Group Logo
Fritz Kola Logo
Logo Albert Bauer
pco Logo
Unilab Logo

Unused licenses

Requested and approved licenses are not always actually used. saasmetrix recognizes non-use and automatically informs you of this.

Double licenses

The consequences of SaaS chaos: multiple accounts and licenses for the same user. By removing such accounts, costs can be reduced quickly and easily.

Tools with the same functionality

Especially during the initial discovery of shadow IT, it becomes clear that several apps cover the same functional capabilities. It is worth analyzing the existing apps and redefining the SaaS stack.

boy in front of a computer cheering with his arms up

saasmetrix will help you with this:


Manage licenses and users.


Reduce manual tasks


Connect over 220+ integrations.


Learn from high-performing teams

Get in touch now and get started

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*Annahme der Cookies nötig

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