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The license management platform for SaaS applications

Everything modern license managers and IT administrators need for smooth license management.

Use cases for using saasmetrix

Central license booking

Centralize your license management and thus your tasks. Instead of wasting your time in x-Admin portals, you can also efficiently manage licenses in saasmetrix.

Alternative to Excel

Modernize your license management and put the spreadsheets aside. With saasmetrix you have a comprehensive, always up-to-date but simple license management tool at your disposal.

Addition to the SAM system

SAM systems such as Matrix42, Flexera & Co. are great! But SaaS applications are usually the end of the line. With saasmetrix, you can extend the functionality of your SAM system.

The saasmetrix top features

Save time and effort: saasmetrix makes your license management more efficient

Centralization: Manage all SaaS licenses via a single platform

saasmetrix centralizes your license management for SaaS applications. This means that you can book all your SaaS licenses via one platform – so you don’t have to log into dozens of management portals.

1-Click Optimizations: Save money by removing unused licenses

With the automated optimization suggestions, you can deactivate unused or duplicate licenses in no time at all – with just one click. This saves you time-consuming analysis and money.

License groups: Book multiple licenses for multiple users at once

Create license groups from different applications. This allows you to book multiple licenses for multiple users in one step. This allows you to automate onboarding and offboarding, for example.

Automated onboarding and offboarding: hours become minutes

With saasmetrix, you can easily automate your onboarding and offboarding processes. Create license groups, link them to your AD groups and assign a variety of licenses to new users in no time at all. Or remove licenses when users leave the company.

Small features, big value

Small everyday helpers with a big impact. Work even more efficiently with these functions.

DATEV import: uncover your entire shadow IT system

SaaS applications are both a blessing and a curse: test phases and a simple user interface invite users to try out new applications. However, there is rarely any consultation with IT. Discover all the applications you didn’t know about. You can do this with a DATEV import.

Coming soon: URL tracking in the browser for an even higher hit rate.

Renewal Reminder: Never miss a contract renewal again

Set up an e-mail notification for each license so as not to miss an automatic contract renewal with outdated conditions.

Tags: Sort your applications & users the way YOU want it

Tag applications and users e.g. by location, cost center, department, supervisor, … There are no limits to your imagination!

More than 300 integrations

saasmetrix can be easily linked with SaaS applications. We deliver missing applications quickly.

Different SaaS icons in a row for mobile version.


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